200's - Pupils
- 200 - Enrollment of Students
- 201 - Admission of Students
- 202 - Eligibility of Nonresident Students
- 203 - Immunizations & Communicable Diseases
- 203.1 - HIV Infection
- 204 Attendance
- 205 - Postgraduate Students
- 206 - Assignment Within District
- 207 - Confidential Communications of Students
- 208 - Withdrawal From School
- 209 - Health Examinations & Screenings
- 209.1 - Food Allergy Management
- 209.2 - Diabetes Management
- 210 (attachment) Medication Administration Form
- 210 - Medications
- 210.1 - Possession & Administration of Asthma Inhalers, Epinephrine Auot-injectors
- 212 - Reporting Student Progress
- 214 - Class Rank
- 215 - Promotion and Retention
- 216 - Student Records
- 216.1 - Supplemental Discipline Records
- 217 - Graduation
- 218 -Student Discipline
- 218.1-Weapons
- 218.2-Terroristic Threats
- 218.3 Doscipline of Student Convicted & Adjudicated of Sexual Assault
- 219 -Student Complaint Process
- 220 (Attachment)- Student Expression-Distribution and Posting of Materials
- 220 - Student Expression-Distribution and Posting of Materials
- 221 - Dress and Grooming
- 222 - Tobacco and Vaping Products
- 223 - Use of Motor Vehicles
- 224 - Care of School Property
- 226 Searches
- 226.1 - Use of Metal Detectors at School Facilities
- 227 - Controlled Substances-Paraphernalia
- 227.1 Student Drug Testing
- 228 -Student Government
- 229 -Student Fundraising
- 230 -Public Performances by Students
- 231 - Social Events and Class Trips
- 232 - Student Involvement in Decision-Making
- 233 - Suspension & Expulsion
- 234 -Pregnant-Parenting-Married Students
- 235 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 235.1 -Surveys
- 236 -Student Assistance Program
- 236.1 - Threat Assessment
- 237 - Electronic Devices
- 240 - Foreign Exchange Students
- 246 - School Wellness
- 247 - Hazing (attachment)
- 247-Hazing
- 249 - Bullying & Cyberbullying (attachment)
- 249-Bullying and Cyberbullying
- 250 -Student Recruitment
- 251 Homeless Students
- 252 - Dating Violence (attachment)
- 252-Dating Violence
- 255 Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care